Thursday, May 21, 2009

Interesting Teaching Methods Huh?

So I have this biology teacher (who will remain nameless). Well recently we had to do Biotechnology projects and one of my friends did, what seemed to me, to be an excellent presentation on MS and scientists working towards a cure. She used her 8th grade science teacher (who actually has the disease) as a source in her report and our teacher told her she had everything wrong. This teacher even went as far as to say that my friend's source of her 8th grade teacher was not a reliable source! I will never understand my teacher's reasoning. Getting more to the point, my friend was grilled with questions till she was blue in the face. After class, my friend approached our teacher to let her know that she felt the way that the teacher had grilled her in front of the entire class was a bit embarrassing, and in her opinion a bit out of line and my teacher proceeds to tell her she should stop defending herself and that she was "sorry about your teacher" but "an interview with this person is not a reliable source" & "where was the actual project?" eventually my friend was in tears. To conclude this uncomfortable confrontation my teacher said, "well don't worry about your grade, you have 100%" This teacher has been harrassing students all year. She has: bashed my political beliefs (thus humiliating me), insulted my friend and her former teacher, made two other friends of mine cry because she denounced their beliefs that God would help them cope with the fact that their loved ones had cancer. (one girl's father had it and the other's best friend was in Hospice dying of it) This insensitivity would normally be overlooked in any public school, considering the seperation of church and state... however, I attend Parochial school. Catholic. so A) my teacher is not legally allowed to share her political opinions B)Not allowed to denounce a student's faith & C) supposed to provide a nurturing learning environment... she has basically done everything that is possible to get fired for other than physically assaulting a student.

Needless to say, I am frustrated.

& on top of all this, her grading formula is completely different from every other teacher and is set up so that every student gets the worst grade rather than doing their best.

for example: right now I have a 76 in her class, if she graded in the same way as all the other teachers I would have a 85 in her class. That's a jump from D to a B.

Think about that.

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